
Workstation Touchscreens

DeskFlex Workstation Touchscreens

DeskFlex office hoteling software comes with complementary hardware products, bringing the utmost space and equipment reservation assistance for offices and organizations. It features advanced workstation touchscreens where users can see the reservation details, such as identifying the user, scheduled usage, and availability time. 

Reserve Now

DeskFlex workstation touchscreens function with great sensitivity, ensuring smooth and responsive usage. It supports muti-functionality for better reservation procedures. The device can show upcoming reservations while allowing users to make one through it directly.  

Check-In and Check Out

Users can now begin and end their reservations through workstation touchscreens. This hoteling software solution also highlights an auto-cancellation feature, ceasing any unattended bookings 15 minutes after the scheduled time starts. Hence, it ensures efficient space utilization for everyone. 


DeskFlex: Your Advanced Office Hoteling Software

Make your desk and room bookings easier, faster, and accessible for everyone. DeskFlex is your hoteling software that allows your organizations to make office space, venue, conference room, and equipment reservations — an integral process for hybrid work arrangements, more practical and systematic than ever. 

Hello! Let's Talk.

Boost your company’s workflow and book a demo with DeskFlex now! 

Select your optional add-ons:

How many total floors in your building(s) would be added for Hoteling?

How many Cubicles, Offices or Conference Rooms will be available for booking?

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